How does DeFi Mining work?

An easy guide on the complete operation of DeFi Mining protocol

DeFi Mining
2 min readMar 26, 2022


Mining Operation

DeFi Mining is a bitcoin mining operation in South America run by a blockchain infrastructure company. It provides a safe decentralized entry to the Bitcoin mining business, through the token $DMINE.

The core of DeFi Mining is the tokenization of hashing power. Every $DMINE is backed up by real mining power in real machines, giving intrinsic value to the token. This is crucial as your capital is safeguarded in real assets, with the advantage of being liquid in case you need it.

The deposit where the mining happens is conditioned for the great electrical consumption of the machines. It also has industrial extractors that remove the heat generated by the Asics. Another important point is the filters that retain dust and control humidity, which must be renewed to ensure their correct operation.

In addition to the Asics and the infrastructure, we have a team of top-level engineers who deal with the commissioning and maintenance of the mining operations. They carry out the tasks of installation, start-up, management, and maintenance of the equipment, both software and hardware, and of course maintenance of the building electrical and refrigeration infrastructure.


The mining center is connected to the DeFi Mining protocol, and all the BTC rewards are automatically tokenized, making them available on-chain for the DeMiners to be able to claim them.

Yield Reserve

As we stated before, miners cannot control BTC price and the Network total Hash Rate, so this makes earnings unpredictable to the miner, leading to times when the profits can be lower. But this is not a problem for the DeMiner.

How do we mitigate this? By creating a countercyclical reserve called the yield reserve. When rewards are at a high rate, the yield reserve grows, and when rewards are lower, the yield reserve is used to compensate. This reduces the variability of earnings, thus increasing the DeMiners ability to predict rewards and stay profitable.

How can you become a DeMiner and start earning on-chain?

Becoming a DeMiner is extremely simple! You just have to buy $DMINE and stake it in the DMINE pool to start earning BTC rewards.

The mining center is connected to the DeFi Mining protocol, and all the BTC rewards are automatically distributed among the $DMINE holders.

Join the community and become a DeMiner! ⛏️



DeFi Mining

Earn #BTC by mining directly on-chain ⛏️ Coming soon on BNB Chain👻